Marshall of Eaglesbane

Squired to Sir Kevin Peregrynne




Known Awards (From West/Middle/Atenveldt Kingdom Awards List):

    Award of Arms (07/30/1977) (West)

    Muckin' Great Clubbe (09/25/1977)  (West)

    Knight (04/30/1978) (West)

   Award of the Purple Fret (07/26/86) (Middle)

   Guardians of Atenveldt-Officer (3/11/1989) (Atenveldt)



Artist is Sir Marshall of Eaglesbane

(Marshall O. Townsend II, 1979)


(links are to Kingdom of the West's photos):
Purgatorio Coronation (July 31-August 1, 1976, AS XI)
Purgatorio Coronation (July 31-August 1, 1976, AS XI)



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