The Honorable Lord Eadric de Lonestone

Squire to Sir John





Eadric de Lonestone’s Personna


Late 1100, Early 1200,s

I am from the vicinity of Durham north of York where my family has held land in one form or another since the time of William the conquerer. I have been employed for some years in the armies of both Henry ll, and Richard l.
I have fought both in France on behalf of the king under William Marshall, and in England during the civil unrest under John Lackland.


SCA History Timeline


Jun 2003    My family and I joined the SCA.
Sep 2004    I became deputy thrown weapons officer for the Barony of Dragons Laire and placed 5th in Kingdom for thrown weapons that year.

Jan 2004    I fought in my own armour for the first time at the Duramen tourney.
Sep 2004    I became the Baronies thrown weapons officer and also placed 2nd in kingdom that year for thrown weapons.

Nov 2004    I became man at arms to Earl Sir Strider and a sworn fealty member of House Persistant.

Dec 2004    I received the Snap Dragon (a Baronial service award) from Dragons Laire.
May 2005    Received my AoA at May Crown
       2005    I was 8th in Kingdom for thrown weapons and 8th in the known world for spear.
Sep 2005    At September crown 2005 I was released from fealty to Earl Strider as man at arms and became Squired to Sir John Wolfstan.

Jul 2007     Received the Forget-Me-Not from Her Majesty Queen Signy

Jun 2008      I received my Goutte de Sang  from TRM Cedric and Elizabeth


Eadric’s Misc Images


Eadric’s Squiring Ceremony



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